Selasa, 16 Maret 2021

Service Learning


My name is Cici Anggraini. I'am a student from SMAN 1 Purwosari. Now, I'am 18th years old and my last year in senior high school. I am the first of three siblings.  In 2021, the teaching and learning is only carried out at home not at school. So, Approximately 11 months I was at home because the school was closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. My younger brothers too. Our activities at home as in general, are no other online school, eat, drink, watch television, play game, do homework, and the othere. Sometimes, i feel bored. I really like to tease my two younger siblings when I'm bored. But, they also reply with ignorance too. whereas when my younger siblings feel bored, 90% of them will play online games.  this is very bad.  One day, I invited the youngest brother to make something, this is a slime.  in addition to filling spare time, making slime is also useful for relieving stress and channeling emotions. very fun.  I can share my experience of making slime with my youngest siblings, as well as being able to get rid of my boredom while just at home.  this can strengthen brotherhood and create harmony.

Senin, 12 Oktober 2020

Sabtu, 19 September 2020

Group 2 | Online Learning at Smanesa Is Still Being Done Even Though It ...

group leader : Whyatul Lutfiyah (34)
member : 1) Anggi Laila E (04)
                2) Balqis Laurel Z (06)
                3) Cici Anggraini (09)
                4) Nur Farika (22)

Selasa, 12 Mei 2020



Three were once two owl who lived at the edge of a forest. The Elder owl was very mean to his younger owl. The Elder owl had a complete body but the younger owl does'nt had a complete body. So the younger owl always cheated by the Elder owl.

One day, the younger owl went into the forest to found food. As he went around, he came Upon a grasshopper. The grasshopper said " Oh kind sir, please don't eat me. If you spare me i Will give you a magic potion". Hear that the younger owl let him go without receiving the grasshopper's gift. " Go away i Will not eat you and take back the magic potion". " No, thank you sir, this is a form of gratitud to your for letting me go". Finally the younger owl agree. He drank it. He was surprised it he had legs. The younger owl Verry happy. He thanks to grasshopper for this magic potion. The Elder owl also want to be like the younger owl.

The next day, he found grasshopper in near the tree. He rushed to the grasshopper.
 "Hai, grasshopper, give me the magic potion. If not that i'll eat you". The grasshopper know what the meaning of that. The grasshopper give a magic potion to Elder owl. He immediately drank it. He also surprised like the younger owl. But, it's not same, he had no idea if he would lose his legs. " What are you doing with my feet?" The grasshopper said "that's the reward for greedy people like you. You deserve it". Grasshopper go left from the Elder owl. He very sad. He is award of what he has been doing. When the Elder owl arrived on the house, he apologize to younger owl because for treating him badly and promised to be batter. At that time his legs had returned. Finally they live happily and help one another.
(Moral of the story)

Video story telling

Sabtu, 25 April 2020


Love & Wisdom

Last month, I met my friends at school. I wasn't as happy as they weren't in here. I had motorcycle but now I rarely use it because I didn't go anywhere. It's so sad, because I like cycling. But that my hobbies can carry air polution.
Man Will never stop the polluting. For example they were using a motorcycle when gone to the store near the house. Motorcycle(and other types of vahicles)are one of the causes of air pollution. Emision from a motorcycle give several diseases, three are bronchitis, lung cancer, heart disease and many other dangerous diseases. It's very hard to minimize, but all that can prevent together.
I realize that the use of motorcycle in everytime is not good for the environment. From now on i Will try to prevent it's use. 
1) reducing the use of motorcycle. If you have to use a motorcycle, Don't start the engine when it stops for a long time.
2) keep more plants
3) Keep the house clean
We can use a motorcycle as long as it suits your needs. I hope everyone also take cares about environment not just themselves. So let's do it. First, on the sentence above" keep more plants" we can start from ourself. We will to love the plants. So, the plant can save us from air pollution. And then, the second sentence above" keep the house clean". Now, i think i must be able to make myhouse as comfortable. However, it's all mine, so I have to take care of that. But all of that, we can make the world a better place.
 Love your nature❤️
We just love our earth. Must not continue to use motorcycle everytime. Or by taking precautions like the steps above
I Will try to prevent air pollution.
I Will take care a plants
I Wil clean the environment

Service Learning

SERVICE LERANING TO MAKE A SLIME  WITH MY YOUNGEST BROTHERS My name is Cici Anggraini. I'am a student from SMAN 1 Purwosari. Now, I'...